Thursday, July 15, 2010

Polyface we come!

We are off to Polyface farm in Swoope, Virginia (Shenandoah valley) tomorrow for a 2 day conference. Joel Salatin is the owner of the farm, has written 6 books, numerous articles, and is featured in the movies Food, Inc. and Fresh, the movie. Danny will be trained from Joel Salatin himself. This is such an exciting opportunity for us to learn from the best!

"Roughly 550 acres, the farm is about 100 acres of open land and the balance is wooded. Polyface Farm produces "beyond-organic," grass-fattened beef, home-grown broilers, pastured turkeys, firewood, eggs, rabbits and vegetables."

We recently learned that all sessions of this summer's Polyface Intensive Discovery Seminar are long full and there are lengthy waiting lists in case there are cancellations. We'll have a full report when we get back. In the meantime, thank you to all the people who are helping 'babysit' the chickens and the farm while we are gone. We return on 22JUL and will have our next processing dates on 27JUL and 10AUG. Stay tuned!

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