Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We've mooooooved to Wanship

It’s high time for another update…and this one is a big one. Big for us anyway. We moved everything from Draper to Wanship. Everything. Brooders and equipment, chickens, turkeys, shelters, watering and feeding equipment, fences, solar chargers and the eggmobile (that requires a whole post itself, so look for that later). Danny has been working like crazy and luckily we’ve had family to help watch Saffron on those long farm days. We are so thankful to have been able to use the land in Draper (thanks to Bell Organics) to get our start. It worked great while we needed it, and we are also very excited to be in Wanship now. Here are some things we love about Wanship.

1. Same distance from our house as Draper.
2. Beautiful, scenic drive to and from our home.
3. Surrounded by farm land – horses, cows, sheep, and manure.
4. Running (irrigation) water!
5. Cooler temperatures on those hot days.
6. Lots more space.
7. Long term availability.

With the help of a few saintly volunteers and some kind family, we are officially moved. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And now for the best part…pictures!

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